Natural Ways to Relieve Shoulder Pain

natural pain relief Feb 15, 2022
woman's shoulder with words

Shoulder pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints. It accounts for at least 4.5 million patient visits annually in the United States, and occurs in as many as 51% of individuals in a lifetime [1]. It has been shown that with proper diagnosis, non-surgical or conservative treatment can be effective in managing certain causes of shoulder pain without sacrificing function. 

Natural Ways to relieve shoulder pain include:

Chiropractic care- A Doctor of Chiropractic is specially trained to evaluate the function of the spine and how it relates to other areas of the body. Studies have shown that manipulative therapy for the shoulder girdle accelerates recovery of shoulder symptoms [2].

Physical therapy- A Physical Therapist may prescribe different shoulder-strengthening and/or mobility exercises. Shoulder exercises are as effective as shoulder surgery and injections, and are less expensive and unlikely to generate negative side effects. They also offer the general health benefits of exercise.[3]

Physiotherapy- Physiotherapy provides additional treatments that can be done by a health professional. 

 Pressure wave- Pressure wave therapy uses pressurized sound waves to break up inflammation and increase circulation, which improves healing in damaged tissues. 

Laser- A variety of low level lasers have proven to be effective in reducing and eliminating acute and chronic pain in the neck & shoulders. [4]

Electrical Stimulation- Many forms of electrical stimulation are effective in reducing shoulder pain. One of the most convenient is a TENS unit. TENS are safe and effective due to their reliance on noninvasive, non-mechanical, and non-pharmacological effects to provide pain reduction. [5]

Taping- Athletic taping can offer support to the shoulder and provide stability and pain reduction. 

Ice and Heat- Ice can provide an environment that reduces inflammation and pain. Applying heat can increase circulation and mobility to sore muscles. Alternating between the two provides healing benefits. 

Massage therapy- A massage therapist can help reduce shoulder pain by relieving muscle tension. This helps to improve mobility and function. Massage can also improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Acupuncture- Acupuncture is a healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It has been proven to be  beneficial and effective for relieving pain and improving shoulder function. It can be a good alternative, especially, for patients developing adverse effects related to drugs.[6]

Pain medication-  Over the counter NSAIDS or prescription corticosteroids may be utilized to reduce inflammation and pain. Medications may be taken orally or injected into the affected tissue or joint. 

Joint injection- Joint injections utilize a mixture of steroid medication and anesthetic and is injected directly into the shoulder joint for pain relief that can last months. 

Trigger Point therapy- Trigger points or “knots” in the muscles can be relaxed using trigger point injections which include lidocaine for pain relief. 

PRP, Stem Cell Therapy- PRP therapy uses specific types of cells from your body, concentrating them, and injecting them directly into your affected area to promote healing. Stem cells are cells found within the body with the potential to develop into many different types of cells. They serve as a repair system for the body. 

Activity Modification- It may be recommended to take time to rest your shoulder. Occasionally the need to immobilize the joint may be beneficial to overall healing and to prevent re-injury. 

Diet and weight management- It has been suggested that shoulder pain is more common among people with cardiometabolic risk factors. [7] A healthy diet and lifestyle can prevent shoulder related pain. Additional dietary supplementation may be suggested to reduce inflammation and maintain healthy joints.  

 At Natural State Health Center, a qualified team of integrative specialists work together to get to the cause of your shoulder pain, and work to provide natural ways to relieve shoulder pain. 


  1. Jonas Pogorzelski, M.D., M.H.B.A.,1,2 Erik M. Fritz, M.D.,1 Jonathan A. Godin, M.D., M.B.A.,1,3 Andreas B. Imhoff, M.D.,2 and Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc.corresponding author 1,3. Nonoperative treatment of five common shoulder injuries- A critical analysis. Obere Extrem. 2018; 13(2): 89–97. Published online 2018 Feb 19. doi: 10.1007/s11678-018-0449-1 
  3. Pieters et al titled “An Update of Systematic Reviews Examining the Effectiveness of Conservative Physical Therapy Interventions for Subacromial Shoulder Pain” (J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2020;50(3):131-141.
  4. A Clinical Study of the Effectiveness for Mitigating Pain and Improving Range of Motion with the Erchonia Low-Level Laser on Minor Neck and Shoulder Pain: July-Sept 2000
  5. Mu-Lien Lin, 1 , 2 Hung-Wei Chiu, 3 Zao-Ming Shih, 4 , 5 Po-Ying Lee, 6 Pei-Zhi Li, 6 Chin-Hong Guo, 6 Yuan-Jie Luo, 6 Shen-Chieh Lin, 7 Kwan-Yu Lin, 2 Yu-Ming Hsu, 6 Angela Pang, 8 and Weiwu Pang 9Pain Res Manag. 2019; 2019: 2823401.Published online 2019 Feb 4. doi: 1155/2019/2823401
  6. Abdelkefi I, Ben Abdelghani K, Kassab S, et alAB0956ā€…Acupuncture Therapy for Shoulder Pain: A Study of 30 CasesAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2015;74:1219.
  7. Burne G, Mansfield M, Gaida JE, et alIs there an association between metabolic syndrome and rotator cuff-related shoulder pain? A systematic reviewBMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2019;5:e000544. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000544


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