A Multi-faceted Approach to Low Back Pain

chiropractic wellness natural pain relief Aug 19, 2022
lower back pain

Low back pain is a common complaint. Acute back pain can be caused by muscle or ligament strain, a slipped or ruptured disc in the spinal cord, arthritis, or osteoporosis. Chronic back pain can be caused by old injuries, poor posture, improper lifting, and misalignment. Whatever the cause, back pain can cause severe discomfort and inconvenience. 


A chiropractor can help determine and diagnose the cause of lower back pain, and work at addressing those causes. For strains and sprains, rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers may be recommended. 


For many people, lower back pain can be a recurring issue, particularly as they age. If this is the case, a chiropractor may recommend a variety of approaches to get at the roots of the problem and to provide relief for chronic back pain. 


4 Ways to Focus on Lower Back Health


  1. Chiropractic Care. Chiropractic adjustment ensures that there are no subluxations in the spine. Maintaining mobility and stability in the spine and identifying and releasing any neural impingement is key to the health of the lower back. In addition to chiropractic adjustment, at Natural State Health Centers, chiropractors work within an integrated medical team and can refer patients to a massage therapist to focus on the muscles or to a physical therapist to work on targeting movements to improve lower back health. Massage therapy and chiropractic care are non-invasive and non-surgical approaches to the management of lower back pain. 
  2. Hip stretches. Sometimes lower back pain results from tension in the muscles of the hips. Many jobs require sitting for long periods of time, and this can result in tight hip muscles. This tension creates lower back pain. A physical therapist can help identify which stretches will help loosen those muscles on a daily basis, and over time this can significantly improve lower back pain. 
  3. Wall push ups. The muscles of the hips, butt, and core all connect at the pelvic cradle, and both tightness and weakness in these muscles can contribute to lower back pain. In addition to stretching these muscles, building strength in the core and lower back can reduce lower back pain. Even a simple set of push-ups against the wall or counter to start the day can begin to build strength. Focus on consistent good form rather than on doing a lot of reps. 
  4. Orthotics. Sometimes lower back pain can be traced to an issue with the feet or gait. At Natural State Health Center, custom orthotics may be part of treatment for lower back pain because correcting foot positioning makes an impact on the knees, hips, and lower back as well. 


Lower back pain does not need to be a necessary part of growing older. At Natural State Health Center, our integrated team brings a variety of perspectives to bear on the problem. In addition to chiropractic care, massage therapy, physical therapy, and custom orthotics, Natural State Health Center also offers a variety of regenerative therapies to stimulate the body’s own healing responses, and offers a variety of non-invasive techniques for pain relief. 

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