Healing With Electromagnetic Therapy
Dec 03, 2020
What is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy?
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is a safe, effective method to speed recovery by restoring the body’s natural electrical balance and stimulating healing. Healing with electromagnetic energy involves no drugs, no surgery, and has no side effects. This electromagnetic therapy has been shown to reduce pain caused by fibromyalgia and musculoskeletal pain.
How does PEMF work?
To understand how PEMF works, it is helpful to think of our cells as batteries. Each cell membrane has both positive and negative charges. These electrical charges make it possible for our cells to exchange potassium, calcium, and sodium ions. A resting cell is more negatively charged on the inside, and more positively charged on the outside. The electricity formed by this flow of charges carries signals throughout the nervous system. By directing low frequency electromagnetic waves in short bursts to the body, PEMF essentially recharges our cellular batteries, restoring their positive and negative charges. This optimizes the body’s ability to self-heal and self-regulate by restoring cellular communication.
By recharging cells with a mild electrical magnetic current, the release of pain and inflammation mediators can be slowed or stopped. PEMF also increases blood blow to the injured area, which speeds healing.
What conditions is PEMF used for?
PEMF is not a treatment for one particular condition but is an electromagnetic therapy that aims to optimize the body’s ability to heal itself. It has been used to speed healing of bones and tissues and to minimize pain of many kinds, such as post-surgical pain, osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain and inflammation, neuropathy, and pain associated with other autoimmune diseases.
What is a PEMF session like?
A patient will usually sit or lie down and the device will be placed on the affected body part. The patient will experience mild pulsation in the area being treated, but no pain. The length of a session and the number of sessions a person will need is dependent on each particular case.
Who should not use PEMF?
Anyone with implanted electrical devices including pacemakers, cochlear implants, intrathecal pumps, etc., should not use PEMF because the magnetic field can disable or shut the devices off. If you have had an organ transplant and are on immunosuppressants, you should not use PEMF.
Anyone with active bleeding or a hemorrhaging condition (such as heavy menstruation) should not use PEMF.
Pregnant women should not use PEMF.
If you are experiencing pain or an injury, talk to your chiropractor about using PEMF to recharge your cells and speed your healing, naturally.
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